Thursday, April 26, 2012

Vision without glasses reviews

Vision without glasses reviews

I started doing these eye exercises on vision without glasses in June 1, 2000. After a week of very gently doing the recommended progressive myopia booster sequence listed in the book, I was unable to wear my strongest power contacts and glasses. It HURT to put them on. So out came my 1994 contacts and glasses. They weren't strong enough, but at least it didn't hurt to wear them.
vision without glasses
By  A Customer

First I applaud the authors of Vision without glasses for having the courage to deviate from the traditional thinking of their peers in the field of eye care. That said, I feel that Vision without glasses is still too ensconced in some of these old ways of thinking. For example, they state that becoming near sighted after 40 is virtually inevatable. I am in my mid-40s and have had no indication...

By A Customer

This review is from: Improve Your Vision Without Glasses or Contact Lenses (Paperback)

I would recommend Vision without glasses book to anyone who wants to improve eyesight. The book is straightforward with complete instructions on the eye exercises. It is true that everyone can improve one's eyesight by doing eye exercise. Although the method does work, it takes time. Don't expect a quick fix. You have to be patient and persistent. I think Vision without glasses has exaggerated the speed of results. I believe, for someone who has low a prescription, they can improve to see perfectly in a short period of time because I saw a big improvement in my vision for the first 3 months after I did the exercise. However, it levels off. To reduce a high presciption like me, it is slow. In my case, I was -8.75. After exerersing for a year and half, my vision has been reduced to -7. I am still doing it beliving that I will one day, many years from now, do not have to wear contacts.By the way, don't buy the "See Clearly Method" program. It is exactly the same as Vision without glasses program described in this book but is packaged with additional video/tapes and fancy marketing for over ten times the cost of this book. Buy this book instead.


Kip Bryan (Boston, Massachusetts) -

This review is from: Improve Your Vision Without Glasses or Contact Lenses (Paperback)

I had read many books on natural vision improvement and tried many things before I found Vision without glasses. It gives easy instructions for simple techniques that actually improved my nearsightedness. If you've ever wondered why your vision got worse even when you followed the eye doctor's advice, Vision without glasses is for you.I'd have preferred literature references or deeper theoretical explanations for some of the techniques, but I can understand that it was meant to be short and sweet. I wish I'd learned this when I was 10!

Sunny Reader - See all my reviews

This review is from: Improve Your Vision Without Glasses or Contact Lenses (Paperback)

Vision without glasses is informative, interesting, and to the point. It is easy to read with no fluff. Hence the reader can grasp basic concepts and start doing the eye improving methods immediately.

Vision therapy is not just eye exercises. It includes correct eyesight habits. Once you understand how the eye was intended to be used, all of the info in the book will make sense. Furthermore "good eyesight" is much more than just the ability to see near and far. Vision without glasses will educate you about other traits that are important.

I only wish that the author had included some benchmark technique for measuring one's eye condition improvement.

My own improvement was revealed when I lost my glasses and had to get a new pair. The optomitrist remarked that my prescription had improved, and asked me if I had been doing anything different. I had been practicing vision therapy for almost a year. That is the first time in my life that my prescription improved.

Also my night vision has improved, I can wear my glasses much less than before, and I have been able to diffuse that blurry/dizzy effect when spending lots of time on the computer or reading books for long periods of time.

I highly recommend this book Vision without glasses  for those who want to take an active role in improving their eye condition.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Improve your Eyesight Care Exercises and Tips

How to improve your Eyesight Care Exercises and Tips

It becomes an understatement to mention that your eyesight is important. They carry out an important role in aiding you achieve your daily habit. No matter if you may be learning, doing work on a pc, watching television, looking through a book, preparing food or any other comparable activities, your eyes continuously work. Because of the tasks you will need to accomplish and use your eyes on, your eyes can grow worn out. That's where correct eye care comes into play. Appropriate eye care demands particular techniques as well as treatment methods. The principle objective is to ease the stress.

Dark Circles around you eyes 

Whenever possible, you should adhere to a natural and organic eye care regimen. This not just gets rid of numerous dangerous unwanted effects even so, you may also save money. For dark circles, make use of cucumber. Grate the cucumber, put into muslin cloth and squeeze to extract the liquid. Soak cotton pads in the taken juice and put them on discolored areas and eyelids approximately two minutes. Relax eyes and proceed setting immersed cotton pads on top of eyelids for 2 to three times.

Tomato pulp also matter as a excellent eye care solution. Blend 1 tsp of tomato pulp with lime liquid, Turmeric powder together with gram flour. Put together and mix elements until finally you acquire a paste uniformity. Place tomato pulp paste on top of discolored areas and eyelids and leave it for about Half an hour. Try tomato pulp paste application for 1 7 days or until finally dark circles are gone for good.
To Maintain Stunning Eyes

Work with cotton wool pad and soak overnight in a cup of standard water. Strain the cotton pad the next day time after which pour water over it. Cleanse your eyes making use of the cotton pad. Make use of eyecup for additional convenience. One more thing you can easily do is to bathe a cotton wool pad in rose water. Add more 2-3 drops of Castor oil. Put the pads on top of your eyelids. Wait a little for 15-20 minutes prior to getting rid of the patches. These eye care ideas are successful in the treatment of eye burns. Some other eye care solutions consist of dipping cotton pads in cold tea formula or liter tea solution before setting up on top of eyelids. Leave cotton pads immersed in liter tea solution on top of eyelids for 2 to three minutes while pads immersed in cold tea for about 10-15 minutes.

Swollen Eyes

Raw potato can easily effectively deal with puffy eyes. Grate raw potato, make use of Muslin cloth, and then squeeze to extract juice. Put cotton pads on the juice, place on eyes and keep for 15-20 minutes. You can even employ refrigerated milk to help remedy puffy eyes. Drench cotton pads on children's milk, put on top of your eyes, and then keep pads for 10-15 minutes. You can even make use of Vitamin E oil as well as refrigerated water. Apply making use of cotton pads then relax eyes for 20 minutes. Try process every day until finally the swelling reduces.

Appropriate eye care also entails regular medical professional consultation. If you cannot go to the medical professional, you can even have eye test online.

Monday, February 13, 2012

How to improve your eyesight

You need to learn how to improve your eyesight its very important. It's surprising what little people do to for there eye care. Unlike teeth or feet, eyes rarely let you know if anything is wrong. Change to your eyesight happens so slowly that you are often unaware of it.  Even the smallest change to your eyesight affects how you handle the sharp and potentially dangerous tools used in DIY. Therefore it's vital to have regular eye care examinations, One exam every two years is a sensible precaution. Some people need more frequent checks.  People over 60 learn how to improve your eyesight and have their eyes checked annually be because of the increased incidence of eye disease. Many DlYers are around the age of 45, the time when 'presbyopia' begins to take hold. This condition makes it increasingly difficult to read instructions or focus on close-up work unless the required glasses are worn - potentially dangerous when using cutting or drilling equipment. DIY causes more than 20,000 eye accidents every year - one every 25 minutes. Many of these lead to the loss of an eve or permanent blindness. So it's crucial to know how to stop accidents and what to do when one happens.
How to improve your eyesight


Colour Vision Deficiency (CVD) and DIY
Colour is relevant to many aspects of everyday life, including DIY. You must know if you have any problems before starting any job. This usually means having an eye examination which includes a colour vision test. CVD results from a faulty mechanism in the retina. You cannot restore the lost sensation or appreciation of Colour. Some people find limited help identifying certain colours they would otherwise misname through a small red or red-mauve filter of transparent plastics or glass held in front of their eye. A red tinted contact lens can be worry in one eye to aid colour recognition, but the results cannot be guaranteed. The best advice is to cheek whether a job involves any colours that are a problem to you. If it does get someone to do the job or ask for assistance.

Prevention is Better Than Blindness
DIY is a fast growing leisure activity. Millions of people choose to paint, decorate or fix the car rather than pay for expert assistance. However, with DIY responsible for one injury every 25 minutes people should make sure they are protected before starting anything. Often DIYers use either inadequate eye protection or worse still, none at all. Others suffer permanent blindness or the loss of an eye through needlessly removing their eye protection. You, must know what precautions to take before starting any DIY.
Know Your Limitations
Many injuries come from people thinking they can do something they cannot. Ask yourself whether you can do the job before you start. Anyone can fix a plug or bang a nail into a wall; plumbing and electric's require expert advice. If in doubt, call in a professional. It you can do the job, assess what risks and hazards exist before starting. This is crucial in deciding what eye protection to wear.

Friday, February 3, 2012

learn to improve your Eyesight

Learn to improve your eyesight 

Remember to follower the eye exercises  previous post below on this page how to improve you eyesight Experience all you can today and live the greatest life you chose to  live now. Everyday will become better  a better  build on the moment.

If you are having trouble reading these post in normal size its time to start now and sigh up to the page or check out some other pages on this site

Diet to Improve your eyesight

Nonsence, dont belive the hype. Eye vegatables as much as possilble, this will go a long way to improve your vision
how to improve your eyesight

Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to Improve your eyesight manual

How to Improve Your Eyesight manual 

The How to Manual on improving your eyesight

Improving your eyesight takes dedication. There are certain exercises to achieve this goal.

The How to Manual on improving your eyesight
improve your vision

Maximise your life improve you eyesightsight
  1. Learn about how vision works. This way, you can understand what you are doing when you are retraining your vision. Improving your vision is a matter of changing the habitual way you see and use your eyes.
  2. Get an eye chart. Place it on the wall so you can measure your progress. You can usually find one online.
  3. Do relaxation exercises. Place your hands together palm to palm and rub them together briskly creating heat. Place them over your eyes and let your eyes relax. Imagine a relaxing place. Do not let light in. Do this whenever you have time during the day, especially when you're sitting at the computer. 
    • Use alternating hot and cold compresses on your eyes daily to help relax them.
  4. Maintain Moisture. Maintaining the natural balance of moisture within your eyes is one of the most important things you can do to keep them healthy. Dry eyes can be itchy, red and even painful. Try to blink frequently, even when you are focused on watching TV or working on your computer.
  5. Get Rid of Fluorescent Lighting. Fluorescent lighting is bad for your eyes. If possible, use full-spectrum lighting, or natural light whenever you can. You might not be able to change the lights at work, but what you use at home is your own decision.
  6. Exercise Your Eyes. If you think about the way your muscles work, then you probably understand that the less exercise they get, the worse off you are. The same thing goes for your eyes. There are specific exercises you can do, that may be able to help you see better.
    • Use the 20/20/20 exercise. Every twenty minutes, focus on an object that's at least twenty feet away, for twenty seconds. You'll be surprised at how much better your eyes feel.
    • Put your thumb 5 inches away from your face and focus on it, after 5 seconds focus on something behind it. Do this for about 10 times and whenever you have time.
  7. Increase Eye Flexibility. If you have ever undertaken an exercise program or played a sport, then you know that flexibility is important. If you don't stretch, or if you use the same muscles over and over again without moving opposite muscle groups, you lose flexibility. If you have a job that requires you to spend long hours looking at a screen, be sure you focus on different objects periodically; try not to keep your eyes in the same position for too long.
  8. Lower The Brightness Level Of Your Computer Screen. Lowering the brightness level of your computer's monitor can help your eyes to relax. Don't lower it so much that you have trouble seeing, and avoid positioning your monitor so there are reflections.
  9. Take Regular Breaks. If your eyes must focus on a task for long periods of time, take regular breaks. Taking a ten minute break every hour can help prevent eye strain and give your eyes a chance to heal themselves.
  10. Reduce Stress. Every one of the body's systems reacts to stress differently. The eyes are put under constant strain and stress - the more TV you watch, the more you stare at a computer screen, and the more you play games on your smartphone, the more stress you put on your eyes. Make an effort to use natural light, and take time away from your gadgets. You might be surprised to find that you see and feel better as a result.
  11. Get Some Shut-Eye. You might have noticed that when you go for long periods of time without adequate sleep, you feel tired and head-achy. You also may have noticed that your vision seems blurry and that it almost hurts to keep your eyes open. Sleep is important for all your bodily functions, and getting adequate rest can assist in eyesight improvement since sleep allows overworked eye muscles to relax completely.
  12. Protect your eyes from UV rays. Wear good quality sunglasses that provide UV protection, and your eyes will thank you. Amazingly enough, you can gain eyesight improvement, and look great - all at the same time!
  1. 'Feed' Your Eyes.Click Here! Just like the rest of the body, the eyes need good nutrition to function well. Carrots, kale, blueberries, apricots, and other foods rich in beta carotene are all good for your eyes. [1] Stay away from junk!
  2. Stay Hydrated. The average human body is made up of about 60% water, sometimes more. If your eyes are often dry, tired and blurry, try increasing your water intake. In addition, drinking plenty of water is important for your whole body - so ditch the soda, and drink that water!
  3. Try taking Vitamins For Vital Vision. Help your eyes by getting plenty of vitamins A and C, as well as Lutein & Zeaxanthin.
    • Don't Forget Omega 3's. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that can help maximize your health. Most people know that they're good for your heart - what many don't realize is that Omega 3's can help keep your retinas healthy and stop age-related eyesight deterioration.
  4. Take Amino Acids. Amino acids, especially Taurine, are essential for eye health. Aminos protect your eyes from the free radicals that can cause damage over time - they keep eye tissue healthy and prevent eye deterioration.


  • Try to avoid reading, watching TV, or using the computer in the dark.
  • Take the time to become aware of how you use your eyes to see.
  • Seeing is more about relaxing your eyes.
  • Pay attention to how you feel when you see. Stress can add to vision problems.
  • Practice everyday for a month or so or until you see changes.

Click Here! Warnings

  • Thoroughly research nutritional products to enhance you overall health and support the vision process.

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